What do we hope to gain?

Our main priority is to bring new people to the word of Jesus without being high-handed and condescending. In order to do that you have to produce a saga that has all the elements of things they look for in Sci-Fi. Gritty stories, relatable characters, and outcomes that don't always end up happy. This is the world we know in any genre.

We do things that cheese off a lot of Christians. I'm okay with that because at least you're getting a gut check to the core of your beliefs. I don't pretend to play it safe to provide an example. We put you in the moment and show you what our person did. From there it's on you to decide what you would do.

Something I used to enjoy on lunch breaks was discussing films with my table buddies. Inevitably someone would always draw a contrast between what the character did and what they would have done. How many Christian films can you do that with?

With Certain exceptions like "The Passion of the Christ" and "Sound of Freedom" what ground has Christian Cinema broken? Why don't we make decent Sci-Fi? Crossing Corpses offers 3 (And probably more) concepts never before used in a Zombie story. Actual groundbreaking stuff. These weren't thought up by a high-paid Hollywood studio. They were conceived between the Pine Barrens and a coffee shop in New Jersey! By PegLeg Craig and his merry band of coffee drinkers.

I know there are better than me just waiting to be emboldened to bring what they have to the table... GO FOR IT WE NEED YOU!

I take a beating for using some characters who are Gay and others who are Junkies. I don't automatically make those people any worse than anyone else. Why would I do that?

Well, it's like this in the real world There are Gay people and Drug Addicts who go through life not hurting anybody. Axe Truth my dear friend who lifted me up when the world forgot me was Gay. I don't condone what happens in anyone's bedroom if it goes against God's law. That also includes adulterers among other sins of the flesh. All of them have sinned and fallen short of God's law with equal detrament. That doesn't mean we shun them. Unless you're also willing to shun the adulterer or fornicator.

Let's take another example Scott Pressler "The Persistence" he's done more Christian-like things for more people than most Christians do Christian things for others. So is he an automatic bad guy? How do you think God would see him vs a fornicator or philanderer, or whoremonger?

What about the Junkies? Outpost Bob and Paranoid Jeff are people I knew by other names. Bob ended up finding Jesus before he died and Jeff lives in a tent on a street in Portland. The lesson there is no matter who you think they are now what can they be with God's love?

I'm tired of robot Christian drama! God made us how we are to bring his word to the world with our own unique gifts given by him. For better or for worse I'm giving it my best!

What do I hope to gain personally? I have 3 things I want...

1. To inspire if not challenge other Christians to do projects like this. Entertainment has gone to Hell, but while we're here on earth let's entertain who remains.

2. Is to make enough to buy a simple Trailer in an Adult Park. I spent more than that to produce this so if it doesn't happen I'm good. If God sees fit I'll have it.

3. I am watching some IPs that are for sale originally done with SJW leads. I'd like to buy one or two swap out a few of their leads and replace them with Christians. Then watch them get a taste of what they've done to us. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I can do without 2 and/or 3 is just short of a fantasy anyway, but I pray for 1.