About The Author

PegLeg Craig Justy (Email GrayEpic@Gmail.com) is nothing special I'm certainly not a personality... I'm just an old street preacher trying to bring Christian Friendly Productions out of The Dark Ages and into the world we know.

I've Executive Produced a few things you never saw, and wrote a bunch of things you'll never see.

I'm not an ego just a guy with a burning desire to entertain those of us Hollywood left behind years ago. We love Christians, Soldiers/First Responders, Patriots of all stripes, and everyone else after. This is my love letter to all those groups!

I can't afford to make Visual Movies so the best I can offer is ask you to close your eyes and let the movie play inside your head. It's not exactly real time, but we like to call it "In The Moment" with sounds and music curated to take you there.

I care about your thoughts, opinions, and welcome suggestions. All Emails go to me directly and unless they are truly assinine I answer them as well.

One rule of "GrayEpic Media" is that we don't ignore our fans and we really mean it when we say we love you! Both as Children of God and our listeners.

I'm going to have some giveaways upcoming they're not sponsored and they don't come with commercials. I have 30 compasses, 5 his and her space blankets, and a Monocular. I wanted to give practical items useful in Zombie Outbreaks lol. These are gifts I bought to give on a personal level to some of those who shared the most valuable gift they have with us... Time :-)